Dienstag, 4. August 2015

What's up with all that hatred!?

So I have something to get off my chest...
Yesterday whilst talking to a new acquaintance about religion, i was looking for a funny meme about radical Muslims....

Whilst looking for this one...Google showed me so many memes on and about Muslims that were just full of hatred, ignorant, and once again proved to me how ignorant and blind sided parts of this society is.... 

That there are some extremists around that do bad things in the name of one or another God is a fact. But how would people dare making memes THAT ignorant.... 

One said "Didn't want to get married - Acid on my face" I mean...really!? 
How stupid and ignorant is that!? 
Especially coming from people that probably have never met a Muslim in their lives..! And then portraying an entire religious population because of what a couple of extremists do!? 
And please people could we just please stop the judgement!? 

One Meme also said "I hate the West - I want to live in the west" really? Does that person watch the news?! How many Muslims want to leave the west because they are not being accepted, but then get caught on this or the other border and sent back to the west?! Just in case they become terrorists... 

We really need to stop this BS just because we are so afraid of each other... Muslim, Jew, Christian... how about human being!? 
And as much as terrorists do bad stuff, I would never stoop to their levels and treat them like animals... Because they're not! they're human beings with something happening to them that got them so extremists... Al Qaida started off being FUNDED by the United States of America as a defense for Afghanistan in order to beat the Soviet Union and keep them from invading and control central Asia... And afterwards Afghanistan was left alone... 
And a similar thing happened to the ISIS...And now we have to deal with this... Hillary Clinton states it below again... 

So now we have a generation that should know about everything but is too busy watching half naked women dancing and shaking their bums -this being seen as completely normal, we are so distracted by social media and TV and all those amazing movies, we watch the news and believe word for word what they say....It's just said! We should be able to use the resources we have, use Social Media and the Internet to educate ourselves...we see something on the news that seems interesting? Do some research... educate ourselves and form our own opinions..! and eventually, we would be able to contribute to the society and all these unnecessary wars where half the info has been tricked and changed by the media.... 

Conclusion: Educate yourself and stop the hatred..! especially if you hate on things you don't even know anything about! This just makes me really sad how...once again...one population gets thrown as the bad guys...just like the Nazis did with the Jews, or even America with the Japanese... Can we not just accept each other the way we are!? 

A little educational Video :

Montag, 3. August 2015

Around the world without leaving your bedroom - great for rainy days.

We all know about those days...Its cold and rainy outside, and all you want is to stay home... But you do feel nostalgic and want to experience stuff...

No problem, you can do it all in your own cozy bedroom.

Lets twist the globe and see where we want to go to...hmmm...Jamaica!? all possible! go on instagram, #Jamaica, and feel the nice jamaican vibe...the beautiful island, tropical weather, blue-green sea....

How about you are in Berlin, and are looking at fun things to do tomorrow, when the weather would be looking good again... anything great... Just check out what people are doing in the city that apparently now doesn't seem to sleep...ever...

alright, here we go! Soul Explosion party flyers in Kreuzberg..just so typical!

Now if you would like some more foody experiences...how about we see what is happening in Morocco food wise... everybody knows Moroccan food is just beautifully yummy!

Alrighty, here we go:

So this is all now beautiful...let's go crazy, see what our friends are up to and where they are... #London #Berlin #Paris #Marrakech #Dakar #Jamaica #Bali... You name it!


#Disneyland Paris

#Forest in #Orleans

#NusNus coffee in #Marrakech

#Beautiful woman haha

#Fes #Foody


#Ladies in #London

#Leicestersquare #London

#Dindefelo #Senegal


#Creperie in #Paris

That being said, I believe we should all make efforts and actually google other places at least. We have the internet so fast now, we can go anywhere around the world with just one single click... we can not make excuses of not knowing certain things like "do they have internet in Africa" or "all Asians are Chinese".

I believe that by being open minded and hungry for knowledge, our generation and any following generations should be open minded about a lot of things and also have a general knowledge so much wider considering that we all know people from different background.

Another thing really important is: in contrary to China, we can google everything and find out what really is going on around the world... For example, how Israel is bombarding Gaza over and over again, or how the Syrians are fighting for survival, how a University in Kenya gets blown out and hundreds of student die...

I dont want to get too deep into these subjects as I believe they are too long for this one post... but I will come back with some more fun and intellectual challenging stuff!

Freitag, 10. Juli 2015

AfricAvenir - Patrice Emery Lumumba showing

Patrice Lumumba.

For those who don't know: Patrice Lumumba was the first prime minister and leader of the Independent Belgian Congo.

He played one of the most important roles in the campaigning for the independence from Belgium. Considering the fact that he died at the age of only 36, his actions and what he had achieved is something that can only be called heroic. An intelligent, well-spoken, intelligent and educated man, that loved his country and his people.

AfricAvenir chose to screen the ARTE movie about Lumumba's life yesterday in an open air cinema in Berlin. Surprisingly, the Facebook event had many people wanting to participate, which I believed was great. Unfortunately, due to the weather conditions weren't very convenient, and many didn't show up. Still, thankfully, a lot of people did show up and show interest despite the cold and windy weather. This was something that, I presume, must have been highly appreciated by the organisers.

French Trailer

English Trailer

The movie was in the original version, mainly French and sometimes Lingala, with German subtitles for every one to understand.

The movie about Patrice Lumumba was in my opinion just perfect. It highlighted a lot of points that I think are to be considered. In Lumumba's life, he ended up getting betrayed by his own people. I believe, that during his career he did make a couple of mistakes due to his young age. He underestimated how selfish and jealous some people can be, and therefore ended up having important people as enemies and pushed them further away rather than keeping them close. One of them was Mobutu, future corrupt president of Zaire/DRC. He had met him long before Mobutu became Mobutu Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu Wa Za Banga. But he had underestimated him and ended up being victim of a coup by Mobutu with the help of the Americans and Belgians. At the same time, former President Kasa-Vubu was involved in the coup.

Lumumba had, in my opinion, strong and great ideas and also the passion and love for his country, but unfortunately not the wisdom and diplomacy necessary to rule the country.

Interestingly enough, the movie did also highlight that part. It starts with a narration that seems as if Lumumba himself was writing a letter explaining some details. It also ends with the same narration and the end of the letter. During this narration, we hear how Lumumba mentions that he did come 50 years to early, which somehow joins my theory of him being too young, and also the population of Congo not being 100% ready for him he was so eager and sometimes acted a little undiplomatic.

What went perfectly about the evening in combination with the film, the emotions and the spirit of Lumumba, was the end of the movie. With the off screen narration, the camera zooming into the fire, the wind and the cold of Berlin, the trees and birds in the wind, and the message of Lumumba...as if it has been transported by the wind... The whole crowd kept quite, it felt like Lumumba's spirit was present, like his message has been travelling for so long so that we could all sit there, and listen to it. It felt like the narration wasn't necessarily a letter to his wife, as you first believe, but maybe to his Country. He says "ma compagne" which could have also mean his country. it felt like it was a message for us, for the people watching the movie.

It ended up being a very inspirational evening, deep and giving the viewers food for thoughts.

I also recommend to everyone needing inspiration and motivation in their life to watch the movie of a great international hero who has fought all his life for his convictions, and took it as far as dying for his loved ones.

Samstag, 23. Mai 2015

Love Letter to the one that got away

The planet earth has five continents, 208 nations, with 208 capital cities, 4416 cities, over 7000 Languages, and has a population of 7.12 billions.

Small choices and decisions have lead to this. Parents decided to move Continent - one step closer. It was all leading to one moment. This one moment. From Berlin to Hamburg. Hamburg to Reims. Reims to Paris. Paris to Orleans and finally to London. It was all leading to one thing, one moment. Alone in a city trying to make it by taking on the first job that came my way even if I was way too overqualified. Fate? I don’t know if I believe in that… Call it a waterfall of decisions directing me step by step to one thing – one moment.

This moment when I saw you for the first time. When I saw a huge black Hulk at the till of this store. Out of all the big black hulks alive, this one happened to be you.

I smiled at you and you smiled back. The sweetest and most genuine soul in this huge body of yours. You were so shy you dropped your stuff when I started talking to you.

I gave you my number hoping I would see you again, and I did.

Our first date was not awkward or weird. It just felt natural. We laughed a lot and I felt comfortable with you. I found that you were exactly what I had always imagined a man should be: respectful, funny, smart, a gentleman with a gentle soul. Your Inner beauty was shining, and you were big and beautiFULL from HEAD to toe.

I couldn’t stop thinking about you, talking to you; I never had enough of you. We would spend hours on the phone when we weren’t with each other.

On our first night together it felt like I knew my Black P for years and years, it was so natural. I knew that I could count on you and I knew that no matter what would happen, you would be the person I would always have love for and I would go through hell for. Unfortunately, I am not a kind of person to show too many emotions. I do regret having been cold to you at times where I should’ve showed you that I did care. I shouldn’t have been such a douche on Valentines Day. Throughout my time in London you were constantly a part of my life and I miss you.

Human beings make mistakes. We can be very stubborn – I know I can. You knew me, the real me, I had no secrets. Every time we had an argument or were fighting over something, you always knew when I was just being a bitch, or when something did really upset me. And you knew how to resolve whatever issue we had. You were the one making the first step when you knew I was hurt and my stubbornness would take the best of me. I loved hugging you. You rarely feel hugs where you can feel the love.

I remember Valentines Day like it was yesterday. We had so much fun! We always did. I also remember one of our second dates where you asked me to pay so you could see my reaction. That night was the night I realised you were someone special. Nothing in particular happened, but I remember us laughing a lot. I remember that this was the night where I gave you your nickname. The Black P. I remember going home and being positively surprised by how well you actually knew me, without you even noticing. But typical S, I wouldn’t have admitted it, and never will.

That being said, all was not perfect. We had one thing we couldn’t work out, which I think is very frustrating. We gave too much importance to what our family would say about this one thing. I also believe, that we were both stuck on our own stubbornness and argued about something that wasn’t even an issue at this particular point, and secondly was/is out of our control. I am sure we would’ve found a solution to it.

But we couldn’t get over it, and it ended up tearing us apart – for a little while. We couldn’t stay away from each other. But weirdly, something like a power game developed. I do regret my decision on Valentines Day. I shouldn’t have been so caught up in the present. I was enjoying my life and wasn’t sure if I was ready for you. If I was ready to be the one you deserve. I should’ve just gone for it. When I realized I was ready, you were over it already. And this is where our vicious circle started. Blame it on our young age? I don’t know. 

As much as you made me happy, you had the power to hurt me as well. And you did hurt me to the core once. I wont go too much into details, but the decision you made for both of us was, in my opinion out of place, and as a matter of fact, totally against your religion, and in addition to that, not yours to make. Thankfully it did blow away in no time.

This was the moment, the moment that changed our relationship. After that, I couldn’t see you in the same lights anymore, and my view changed. I realized that despite this beautiful human being that you are and the love you had for me, you were never there on any of my birthdays. You didn’t want to meet my partner in crime. I was never there for your birthdays except one, where you came to sleep at mine after partying with your boys. You never introduced me to your friends. I only briefly talked to your brother over the phone ones.

I do understand part of those things you did – or didn’t do.

Despite all those things my lovely P, I still couldn’t think of anyone else when I got asked who was the one who got away.

I know you said you couldn’t be the one that got away as you were still here. But fact of matter is: You are not. We have established this distance between us so we can both move on, which we both did. Even if I am convinced that we were perfect for each other, spent lots of amazing and funny days and nights, hilarious moments (like when I was walking behind you after your birthday party and you got scared and started running – even if you say you were trying to punch…we both know the truth) You will always be part of my life and I will always have love for you.

Whenever you need someone to talk to, someone to laugh with, to cry with…You can count on me, I will be your mother whenever you need someone to take care of you, your brother whenever you need someone to have fun with “So I'll be your water bathing you clean. Liquid blue. I'll be your father, I'll be your mother, I'll be your lover, I'll be yours, I'll be your liqour bathing your soul” #Placebo

Mittwoch, 8. April 2015

Being "Hard" - being "Judgmental"

So, this post is about a lot of different things that I've come across today...

Lets start with the first one... people try to be hard and ghetto... The whole music and movie industry brainwashing us, making us want to be one thing or the other... where exactly does that lead us?

I saw this video today showing a good example of it... this 13 year old boy gets sent to jail to meet some real criminals, and ends up crying and begging etc... This video has shown a lot of controversy, but personally, I believe that it is definitely a good lesson for those youngstas trying to be or act hard...

Growing up in a not so great or posh area, I know how it is to be friends with the bad guys, and you think it's cool to be friends with them, you want them to like you or whatever... well you shouldn't! I think it is important to be cool with them, but not to that extent where you join the gang or anything, especially not at that age!

I absolutely loved the inmates harsh but true comments, showing his wounds and explaining that it all happened because he was hanging around the wrong people, thinking they were his friends, but then he is the one with the wounds and in jail - but at least alive I must add!

You see a lot of statistics about how young men/women end up dead...the lucky ones get out of it, the less lucky ones in jail, and the really unlucky ones dead...

This actually brings me to my second point - being judgmental!

So you know how people don't hire you because you were in jail or because you have a criminal record or whatever...or how people look at you, especially here in Europe/Germany, and make fun of the way you talk because you're from the ghetto, though they act all hard and listen to 2Pac or Biggie, but judge you because you were raised in the ghetto!? Even if you are educated, this etiquette is going to follow you around, people are going to look at you differently, or make comments like "Yes but you're different". No you're not! you just know how to use what language!! You know how to behave in both situation, your vocabulary and language is so much more diverse than theirs ever would!

You know how to handle certain situations with a lot more patience, knowledge AND balls!

Growing up in the ghetto doesn't make you stupid...maybe you don't have that Harvard education but hell, you know how to provide, respect and help people! Which I believe is a lot more important!

I have now seen this other video of a 23 year old Berliner lady being disgustingly rude and disrespectful to other passengers...what I thought was quite interesting, the first passenger who stands up and tells her to stay in her lane is, based on his language, someone who either is from or know a lot of people from less fortunate places in Berlin, the fact that he stands up and says something is another indication that this guy not only has certain values and has had a pretty good education... most likely from a so called "third world country" or "Islamic country" or something similar... I dont know him, so I cant really tell..

now the second man who is also the guy filming stands up, and not only tells her to stay quite, but he says something really interesting. He just got out of jail a couple of days ago, AND YET, being the "bad boy put aside by society" etc etc, you can tell that he has more respect and more courage, than everybody else, including the guy she spit on! He tells her to apologize, and gives her 23 years of education in a couple minutes...

Now this guy is probably someone coming from a hard and difficult place, who doesn't talk Harvard, but at the same time, shows how smart, respectful and well educated he is! For those who speak German, you will notice how elegantly his chose his words, and how while all people make fun of the "ghetto" or "religious" or whatever kind of connotations, he has a point! Now people listen to him and even clap! If he would be talking to his friends, I am not sure how the response would be, even the guy whom he defended might have thing of him as a "ghetto baba"...

Long story short: Stop judging people because of where they're from or how they talk! it does not make the stupid or less intelligent or respectful than any other human alive!!

That's it from me...some stuff I had to let go of... it just was really bothering me! Stop making fun of other people! end of Story..! It's all about helping and being there for other people, not thinking you're better than this or that person!

Freitag, 27. März 2015

Land Rover switching its strategic and marketing account to Spark44

Rumor had it, now its official: spark 44 is taking over Land Rovers global strategic and creative ad accounts, including Land Rover and Jaguar.

Spark44 has been created in 2011 and is partly owned by Land Rover Jaguar and has been established t give Jaguar a more modern and newer image. Apparently this has been working out pretty well, as they are now also Land Rovers in-house Agency and have offices worldwide with over 275 employees.

One of their most successful ads was the "British Villains" ads that also aired during the Super Bowl

Spark44 also works very closely with very interesting Agencies such as Mindshare and The Brooklyn Brothers. Those two agencies are handling Spark44's Media planning/Buying duties(Mindshare) as well as their social Media content(TBB).

Young and Rubicam was handling Land Rovers creative side of the business; Ogilvy & Mather were in charge for their User Experience and web design and Wunderman was in charge for their CRM.

This obviously is a huge loss and big disappointment for those agencies, as they had a partnership of 20 years. Nevertheless, according to representative of Ogilvy and Wunderman states, both WPP Group members, they still wish them all the best, and are delighted to “have helped define and drive the Land Rover brand successfully”.

As Land Rover is switching to Spark44 as their in-house agency, the brand is also ready to expand their family of vehicles: Defender as well as Discovery. Anthony Bradbury, global marketing communications director for Jaguar Land Rover, is optimistic in regards to the how the global marketing effectiveness and efficiency will be maximized and their worldwide consistency of approach and quality will be enhanced.