Mittwoch, 8. April 2015

Being "Hard" - being "Judgmental"

So, this post is about a lot of different things that I've come across today...

Lets start with the first one... people try to be hard and ghetto... The whole music and movie industry brainwashing us, making us want to be one thing or the other... where exactly does that lead us?

I saw this video today showing a good example of it... this 13 year old boy gets sent to jail to meet some real criminals, and ends up crying and begging etc... This video has shown a lot of controversy, but personally, I believe that it is definitely a good lesson for those youngstas trying to be or act hard...

Growing up in a not so great or posh area, I know how it is to be friends with the bad guys, and you think it's cool to be friends with them, you want them to like you or whatever... well you shouldn't! I think it is important to be cool with them, but not to that extent where you join the gang or anything, especially not at that age!

I absolutely loved the inmates harsh but true comments, showing his wounds and explaining that it all happened because he was hanging around the wrong people, thinking they were his friends, but then he is the one with the wounds and in jail - but at least alive I must add!

You see a lot of statistics about how young men/women end up dead...the lucky ones get out of it, the less lucky ones in jail, and the really unlucky ones dead...

This actually brings me to my second point - being judgmental!

So you know how people don't hire you because you were in jail or because you have a criminal record or whatever...or how people look at you, especially here in Europe/Germany, and make fun of the way you talk because you're from the ghetto, though they act all hard and listen to 2Pac or Biggie, but judge you because you were raised in the ghetto!? Even if you are educated, this etiquette is going to follow you around, people are going to look at you differently, or make comments like "Yes but you're different". No you're not! you just know how to use what language!! You know how to behave in both situation, your vocabulary and language is so much more diverse than theirs ever would!

You know how to handle certain situations with a lot more patience, knowledge AND balls!

Growing up in the ghetto doesn't make you stupid...maybe you don't have that Harvard education but hell, you know how to provide, respect and help people! Which I believe is a lot more important!

I have now seen this other video of a 23 year old Berliner lady being disgustingly rude and disrespectful to other passengers...what I thought was quite interesting, the first passenger who stands up and tells her to stay in her lane is, based on his language, someone who either is from or know a lot of people from less fortunate places in Berlin, the fact that he stands up and says something is another indication that this guy not only has certain values and has had a pretty good education... most likely from a so called "third world country" or "Islamic country" or something similar... I dont know him, so I cant really tell..

now the second man who is also the guy filming stands up, and not only tells her to stay quite, but he says something really interesting. He just got out of jail a couple of days ago, AND YET, being the "bad boy put aside by society" etc etc, you can tell that he has more respect and more courage, than everybody else, including the guy she spit on! He tells her to apologize, and gives her 23 years of education in a couple minutes...

Now this guy is probably someone coming from a hard and difficult place, who doesn't talk Harvard, but at the same time, shows how smart, respectful and well educated he is! For those who speak German, you will notice how elegantly his chose his words, and how while all people make fun of the "ghetto" or "religious" or whatever kind of connotations, he has a point! Now people listen to him and even clap! If he would be talking to his friends, I am not sure how the response would be, even the guy whom he defended might have thing of him as a "ghetto baba"...

Long story short: Stop judging people because of where they're from or how they talk! it does not make the stupid or less intelligent or respectful than any other human alive!!

That's it from me...some stuff I had to let go of... it just was really bothering me! Stop making fun of other people! end of Story..! It's all about helping and being there for other people, not thinking you're better than this or that person!

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