Donnerstag, 3. April 2014

Children of the World

I thought I'd use my first blog post to tell you guys a bit about me, where I'm from, what I do, and why I even decided to start this blog. So here it comes :

I like to call myself a child of the world, coming from everywhere, travelling throughout the whole world, and facing a few struggles I am sure we all go through.

I have been told so many times to just write a blog and tell people about my thoughts and my complexity...and this is the exact reason why I finally decided to start this blog. I believe that I have a pretty particular point of view, and I dont see myself in one specific group of people...So I started asking myself why? I have friends that are so different one from another, but...why is that so ?

Here is what I found out... as I lived 10 Years of my life in Africa, spending at least 1 or 2 month each year in Arabic countries. I heard that in the first few years of your life define how you will become later. I'm talking behaviour, intelligence and even emotional health... Not sure how right this is, but coming from a North-African mother and a mixed raced daddy, me and my family were always very multi-cultural, which has become nowadays something, that I am very happy about. It made me become like a chameleon...No matter the country, the people I am around, the atmosphere, I can integrate myself quite easily.

When I was a child living in Africa, most of my friends called me white, which...well...pretty much sucked as I didn't see myself as a "white girl"... At the end of the day, I was born there as much as they were...spoke the same languages than the other kids and even went to the same school..(I guess now I quite understand how a lot of mixed in this world feel like).

When I moved to Germany, it was the complete opposite, I wasn't white anymore... guess what? I was black..! Ha..! The best part is yet to come... I moved to France when I turned 20...ended up being seen as an Arab Lady..!

What Irony... I mean, this totally could confuse me, be honest... I didn't bother at all as I learned to embrace all of my origins... I am white, black, and Arab (I guess that would count as yellow if we follow the color patterns ;D ) And I absolutely love it..! I can be whatever I want to be, because this is who I am... Everything... When people ask me where I'm from... I can't really be bothered to explain... I only say: I am a child of the world, I am from everywhere.

In my opinion, this is the right way to be... having so many different friends, in and from different parts of the world, living all over the world, I have figured out that every ethnic affiliation has their opinions about other ethnic groups... for example, we all know about the Neo-Nazis in Germany, we know that...well...almost the whole world feels a certain way towards Arabs (this damn Media... Putting them all in the same bowl and calling them terrorists), Africans/Afro-Americans, and Caribbean hold a certain grudge towards Europeans/white people... well... I think you get my point...

Funnily enough, the way the world changed made everything accessible to all of us...and I ended up having a lot of nomad friends as well... they weren't born as nomad...not like me...I mean me moved to 3 different cities by the time I turned 6, but they ended up travelling and explore the world as well...

Back in 2011, I travelled to Tanzania for a few months, and went to this island in Tanzania called Zanzibar, some of you might know this Island...So...I ran into a friend of mine I studied with on an evening on my way to the food market... which I thought was totally random, but again, we studied the same thing we the chances we were in the same place at the same time weren't that small... Now guess what, I walk down the street back to my hotel on my last day in Zanzibar, and hear someone calling my name...first I didn't even turn around...I mean, who would call me...then I heard it again and I turned around...A friend I hadn't seen for over 5 years I knew from back in Berlin suddenly standing there in front of me?! What are the odds ?!

I bet you guys also have crazy stories to share... even though I believe this technology and everything is just moving way to fast, especially being an 80s kid, there are some crazy positive sides to it... you get to go around the world, meet random people, find friends in so many different countries from different cultures and you get to actually know a little about those cultured and you must agree, some of them are just fascinating, and some are really similar regardless the huuuuuge distance in between them...but I will get to that on a different Post with real life examples...

So far that's all I have to share... I'm actually too tired to focus so it's Bedtime for me...

Cheers champs..!

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