Dienstag, 4. August 2015

What's up with all that hatred!?

So I have something to get off my chest...
Yesterday whilst talking to a new acquaintance about religion, i was looking for a funny meme about radical Muslims....

Whilst looking for this one...Google showed me so many memes on and about Muslims that were just full of hatred, ignorant, and once again proved to me how ignorant and blind sided parts of this society is.... 

That there are some extremists around that do bad things in the name of one or another God is a fact. But how would people dare making memes THAT ignorant.... 

One said "Didn't want to get married - Acid on my face" I mean...really!? 
How stupid and ignorant is that!? 
Especially coming from people that probably have never met a Muslim in their lives..! And then portraying an entire religious population because of what a couple of extremists do!? 
And please people could we just please stop the judgement!? 

One Meme also said "I hate the West - I want to live in the west" really? Does that person watch the news?! How many Muslims want to leave the west because they are not being accepted, but then get caught on this or the other border and sent back to the west?! Just in case they become terrorists... 

We really need to stop this BS just because we are so afraid of each other... Muslim, Jew, Christian... how about human being!? 
And as much as terrorists do bad stuff, I would never stoop to their levels and treat them like animals... Because they're not! they're human beings with something happening to them that got them so extremists... Al Qaida started off being FUNDED by the United States of America as a defense for Afghanistan in order to beat the Soviet Union and keep them from invading and control central Asia... And afterwards Afghanistan was left alone... 
And a similar thing happened to the ISIS...And now we have to deal with this... Hillary Clinton states it below again... 

So now we have a generation that should know about everything but is too busy watching half naked women dancing and shaking their bums -this being seen as completely normal, we are so distracted by social media and TV and all those amazing movies, we watch the news and believe word for word what they say....It's just said! We should be able to use the resources we have, use Social Media and the Internet to educate ourselves...we see something on the news that seems interesting? Do some research... educate ourselves and form our own opinions..! and eventually, we would be able to contribute to the society and all these unnecessary wars where half the info has been tricked and changed by the media.... 

Conclusion: Educate yourself and stop the hatred..! especially if you hate on things you don't even know anything about! This just makes me really sad how...once again...one population gets thrown as the bad guys...just like the Nazis did with the Jews, or even America with the Japanese... Can we not just accept each other the way we are!? 

A little educational Video :

Montag, 3. August 2015

Around the world without leaving your bedroom - great for rainy days.

We all know about those days...Its cold and rainy outside, and all you want is to stay home... But you do feel nostalgic and want to experience stuff...

No problem, you can do it all in your own cozy bedroom.

Lets twist the globe and see where we want to go to...hmmm...Jamaica!? all possible! go on instagram, #Jamaica, and feel the nice jamaican vibe...the beautiful island, tropical weather, blue-green sea....

How about you are in Berlin, and are looking at fun things to do tomorrow, when the weather would be looking good again... anything great... Just check out what people are doing in the city that apparently now doesn't seem to sleep...ever...

alright, here we go! Soul Explosion party flyers in Kreuzberg..just so typical!

Now if you would like some more foody experiences...how about we see what is happening in Morocco food wise... everybody knows Moroccan food is just beautifully yummy!

Alrighty, here we go:

So this is all now beautiful...let's go crazy, see what our friends are up to and where they are... #London #Berlin #Paris #Marrakech #Dakar #Jamaica #Bali... You name it!


#Disneyland Paris

#Forest in #Orleans

#NusNus coffee in #Marrakech

#Beautiful woman haha

#Fes #Foody


#Ladies in #London

#Leicestersquare #London

#Dindefelo #Senegal


#Creperie in #Paris

That being said, I believe we should all make efforts and actually google other places at least. We have the internet so fast now, we can go anywhere around the world with just one single click... we can not make excuses of not knowing certain things like "do they have internet in Africa" or "all Asians are Chinese".

I believe that by being open minded and hungry for knowledge, our generation and any following generations should be open minded about a lot of things and also have a general knowledge so much wider considering that we all know people from different background.

Another thing really important is: in contrary to China, we can google everything and find out what really is going on around the world... For example, how Israel is bombarding Gaza over and over again, or how the Syrians are fighting for survival, how a University in Kenya gets blown out and hundreds of student die...

I dont want to get too deep into these subjects as I believe they are too long for this one post... but I will come back with some more fun and intellectual challenging stuff!